Take The Pledge

Take The Pledge

Give businesses in your community the confidence they need at a time when they need it the most by taking the Back-to-Local-Business Pledge. When you take The Pledge, you are helping to protect local jobs in your communities.

Many local businesses and restaurants are owned by your neighbors and friends who have risked their life savings and don’t know what to expect when they open their doors. Some are questioning if they should even incur the additional expenses and uncertainties of opening. Your Pledge will help give them the reassurance needed to go forward.

We’re not asking for money or a check—we’re asking for a check mark.

Take The Pledge and help our neighbors and community rebound from this historic pandemic as quickly as possible.


    • To get out of the house and eat at a local restaurant.
    • To get my hair done locally.
    • To rethink my next online order and buy pet food or coffee or anything else from a local shop.
    • To protect local jobs by supporting local and family-owned businesses as often as I can.

  • You can help further by giving us your email. Why? Because your email is an important way for local businesses to connect with you and send you opening information, promotions, specials, etc. We promise you will not be barraged and emails to you will be limited.

  • Local businesses I love to visit and want to know they are supported (optional)

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.